Queensland Country Life - Visitors will get a first hand tour of CQLX during Beef 2018
Visitors to Beef 2018 who would like to gain an insight into a multi-million-dollar saleyard operation can take a tour of the Central Queensland Livestock Exchange on Thursday, May 10.
CQLX is part of the Regional Livestock Exchange portfolio which is a network of modern and innovative livestock selling facilities, that currently handles over 754,000 cattle and 2,350,000 sheep annually and represents a total turnover in excess of $1 billion annually.
This half-day tour will give participants an insight into the operations and management with several key stakeholders being represented including the buyers, vendors, transport operators, and livestock agents.
The key areas of focus on the tour to CQLX include work place health, and safety, low stress livestock handling, online induction, safe work practices, and modern Infrastructure.
Other points of interest include operational efficiencies of automated weighing, animal welfare and real time market data.
Beef Australia Property Tour Chairman, Scott McCartney, believes the tour to CQLX will provide a great showcase of this section of the industry’s supply chain.
“The auction system forms an integral part of the supply chain in the Beef Industry, and as such needs to be innovative and efficient in its operation,” Mr McCartney said.
“The Beef Expo Tour provides an opportunity to demonstrate this,” Mr. McCartney said.
The cost of the half day tour is $90 and includes morning tea.
Buses will depart from Rockhampton and start loading at 7am for a 7.30am departure, to travel to the CQLX which to 15 minutes to the south-west.
Tickets are available from the Beef Australia website: http://beefaustralia.com.au/